I knew that if we came here:
a big grassy field right at the entrance to LAX
And if we ate here:
In n Out Burger is right across the street.
I knew we would be able to see this:
A picnic under landing planes: pretty awesome.
I knew the kids would like it but what I didn't know is that we would have so much fun doing this:
Plane Portraits--
After I saw that first plane fly over, I knew I needed a picture of my kids and a plane together. We practiced what to do and where to stand a few times before the next plane arrived. The kids scattered across the grassy area and I would yell, "the plane, the plane!" (no I was not imitating tatoo on Fantasy Island) and the kids would scream and run from all directions to get to their spots.
This was our first attempt:
Cute photo but ooppps missed
We continued to work at it. Some of us got there some of the time
Others showed up when they could
Here Lily is racing a plane. Looks like the plane is ahead by a nose.
Bam! the real deal. Notice that in each picture Owen is pretending he is falling
out of the plane in a parachute.
I thought I would try continual focus feature. Here is a series.
So if your at LAX with nothing to do, go to In n Out, Climb some trees
Play some tag,
and take some Plane Portraits. It was a guaranteed good time.