Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jack O Lantern!

First you get a pumpkin
big and round and fat
then you cut the top off
to make a little hat
then you take the seeds out
cut mouth and nose and eyes
that's they way you make a
Halloween Surprise!

We had the Slemboskis over Thursday after Prop 8 sign waving
for annual pumpkin carving.

The kids are getting pretty good with the gutting the pumpkin. That was completely done by the time that Tami and I got back from a recital for charity

We helped the kids with the knives and assisted with the carving,

But, we spent so much time talking about prop 8, we forgot to take pictures of the whole process.

Luckily we did capture the final product.
Lesson for parents: Moderation in all things, even Prop 8.


Wendy Blocker said...

I can't agree more with the moderation on Prop 8 thing! I feel like it's all I think about and talk about and even dream about! Can't wait until tomorrow is over and we win! The pumpkins turned out great! What a fun activity to do together.

Stewarts said...

Great jack-o-lanterns! We had lots of fun with you and your skilled wrestlers on Halloween! Can't wait to see what creative costumes you come up with next year!

Allison said...

Always fun at the Heath house. I love the pix of Jake and Mitch, 2 years old in their footie jammies carving pumpkins. Miss you guys this Halloween!
p.s. Whatever will you do after the elections with no Prop 8 to keep you occupied?

Quarantine Coronacation said...

Seriously Alli,
What will I do with my time? I will have to find another cause. How about the I Gotta Get to MN Charity fund. Do you want to make a donation? Or there is always the Gotta Get Alli to CA Charity. I am sure I will get a lot of support for that one!