Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Like Sister Like Brother.

Ems is a planner. She came out of the womb planning parties and activities, tea parties, craft projects, play dates, park days, princess balls, etc. She is all about the plan: brainstorming the plan, organizing the plan, implementing the plan, experiencing the plan. Her life is so dependant upon whether or not her plan is realized or foiled. It is either the best day, or the worst day. There is rarely an in between. I absolutely love that about her. Every day she asks me: "So what are we doing tomorrow mom?" to which I reply, most of the time, "We are doing homework and having dinner, relaxing and going to bed."

She is never impressed with my plan.

Don't get me wrong, I can plan. . .I just don't think that far ahead, generally, but Emma loves me despite my personal flaw. So Emma takes control of those things she can control. One such thing is what she is going to wear to school the next day. Since, first grade I believe, Emma has made the effort to choose her outfit and place it on her floor so she can roll out of bed and put it on in the morning. She got this from her father, like I said I don't think that far ahead.

Tonight she did the same thing she has been doing for two years already. No news to me. Every evening when I go in her room to tuck her in, she has her ensemble laid out flat on the floor, nice and even, like a little paper doll outfit,
Tomorrow's outfit
organized: top and bottom, belt and buckle, socks and shoes, jewelry too, until recently when she realized that Kiki Lila, our cat, was playing with it during the night and turning it into a big twisted mess.

What I didn't expect, was going into the boys room and seeing this:

These clothing choices aren't bad for yitta guys.

top and bottom, socks and shoes and even jewelry, spy the silver jeweled cross necklace that Will got out of a gumball machine in an Italian restaurant (I guess it is fitting that they would have crucifixes in their gumball machines.)And notice that it is perfectly paired with his Italian soccer t-shirt. (My friend Jeanne LaMonica would appreciate this) Notice Owen doesn't have jewelry, but he has his sword lined up so he is already to play the moment he wakes up and dresses himself.

Richard and I smiled.

Like Sister, Like Brothers.


Allison said...

Emma and Sarah are kindred spirits to be sure. (Just like our James and Mitchy.) You gotta love a girl that plans. . . because she is really living life. Squeezing the most out of every anticipatory moment. You plan it, you get excited for it, you implement it, you review it (either the BEST or the WORST) and then you start all over again. I like it.

KickButtMommy said...

That first picture of Emma is exactly how I always remember her! What an adorable girl! I love that she inspired her brothers. How cute.

Lauren said...

I wonder if Emma helped them out...I know that my girls would be picking out Gordon's clothes for him, and he'd let them.
I love your kids!

Brant & Lindsay said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I love the sword, just in case he needs it! How cute is that! I miss you and your family! They are growing up so fast! You guys should come visit the Utah clan, actually California sounds better! Maybe we will have to come see you!! Love ya!

Quarantine Coronacation said...

Emma didn't help them out. They did it on their own when I was in with the girls reading to them and talking to them before bed time.

Candice said...

Emma is such a sweet little girl. I can't even call her a "little" anymore. Every time I see her she is getting bigger and bigger. She is turning into a beautiful girl. I love that she is such a planner. Good for her.
And those boys. Are they not the cutest? I love the cross and I was laughing right when I saw the sword. True boys right down to the core.
I love your family.