Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Meet My Italian Boy Friend

I have always loved the David. My heart is true, through and through to the David.  I have a pen and ink sketch of him that I bought in an antique shop seventeen years ago. It is a PG13 sketch of his more modest side. but no matter the side, I have always been a fan of this amazing piece of art.  Although I am not a major fan of Italian Renaissance painting, I am whole heartedly a fan of the sculpture and in particular this piece.  He represents the perfect representation of man both physically and mentally.  He is humble, yet determined.  Although his foe is larger and stronger, he is not afraid to face him. He examines his opponent at a distance and is decided about fighting him.  He is in a relaxed pose, yet the look in his eyes and the tension in his neck reveal that he understands the dangers he will face and yet he does not turn away, but faces his opponent with courage and hope.  I love it.  He represents power and humility, strength and cognition, determination and sensitivity.  Who wouldn't love such a man.

Michael Angelo believed that when sculpting, the marble was brushed away to reveal what was hidden underneath.  It wasn't what he was creating, but what was meant to be revealed within the marble itself.  He was scrupulous about each piece of marble he would work with, choosing them himself.  When visiting the Accademia Gallery, where the David and other sculptures are housed, we saw many of Michael Angelos sculptures that were unfinished and they were beautiful:  you could see these perfect beings embedded, as if encased within the marble, waiting to be free.  Having the opportunity to see the David was a highlight of the trip.


Candice said...

I would have to agree with you on this one. I loved seeing the David, he was breathtaking.

Amanda Jeffs said...

I loved your analysis of David. It made me a fan! It also reminded me of this girl in my humanities class who said she cried when she first saw David!