Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Evelyn Manning Heath

Brn February 24,1933
Died August 12, 2007
Today is the day that our sweet Nana left us for the comforts of her heavenly home. While we like to think that she is at rest, we really don't believe it. In fact, I know she isn't. I am convinced that she is very busy up there doing something for someone.
Dave, Evelyn and Richard
We loved it when Nana would come to visit us.  We never missed on minute that we could spend with her.  Right from the moment that she woke up until the time that she shut her eyes to rest.  Every night, we would all end up in Nana's room.  She would be in her night gown and ready to sleep but we would all gather around her bed and talk and laugh. 
Christmas on Ambort Way

Evelyn would always make every family event a memorable one. We spent many years gathering at her house in Sandy. She had enough rooms to accomodate every family. Every meal was prepared ahead of time including scoops of icecream already scooped for dessert. She did this so she could spend as much time with family as she could.

Celebrating Evelyn's 70th Birthday
Evelyn was an excellent cook. She always loved to share recipes and also collected them from us.

Evelyn and Max
Evelyn had a way of making every child feel special. She took the time to connect with them and love them. When ever any party gathered, there were special activities for the children to do. We had many a tea party at nana's house--each child had their own china tea cup.
Evelyn Holding Baby Owen
Evelyn never missed a major family event, baptism, or blessing, Even for Emma's baptism last April, she was prepared with her special quilt. She had it prepared a year before she died.

Evelyn Holding Will
Evelyn loved her grandchildren. She said she loved her kids but her grandchildren were her complete joy. All her grandchildren knew it too. She sacrificed a lot to make everyone feel loved and made a beautiful imprint upon their little souls

Evelyn playing piano with Lindsay
Evelyn loved to play the piano. She taught herself how to play the piano and the organ. I admire her determination and her devotion to music. She served as organist in the church for 30 years

Nana and Grandma at Mitchell's Deacon Ordination

Nana could not stop for a minute. She always kept her hands busy doing things for others. She had gift of sewing. She was an artist. She would always push away such a compliment. It seems that she never fully recognized her great worth to those around her. She could make anything out of material. We are blessed with dolls and doll clothes that she made as well as beautiful quilts and table runners. Too we are blessed with wonderful memories. Lets keep those memories a live!

We love you Nana. We will live our lives in honor of you and the example you set.


Allison said...

I miss Nana too. She always had a smile on her face and blessed many with her amazing talents! She was an inspiration and left a wonderful legacy!

Linda said...

Stacy thank you for your sweet and insightful comments about my dear Mom. I miss her so much, it has been a rough week. Thanks for sharing Richard with me last week. We had such a great time sharing lots of laughs, tears and memories. I wish we all lived closer. Thanks again.

Brant & Lindsay said...

What a sweet tribute to Nana! I miss her so much! Every time I drive by her house, I think of all of the wonderful memories created there! I only hope I can become more like she was! I miss everything about her! We have all truly been blessed by her life! Love ya Stacy!