Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Changing of The Light Revisited

Mitch needed a ride to work again. . .

So up, up, up I went to where the pavement ends and the earth begins.
and this time I took my camera.

I have been wanting to capture the light since that evening when I needed an hour to myself.

I think I captured it--the changing of the light.


lori said...

yes, you did capture the changing of the light beautifully.

stacy, you should write a children's book and the title should be, "where the pavement ends and the earth begins".

i know a little bit about that type of life myself. . . :)

anyway, you have such a way with words. i love the way you can express yourself.

seriously, you should write the book and use your photography as the illustrations. you don't have to have a publisher. there are many companies online that you could use and make the book yourself!

do it!

love you.

Scott & Adie said...

absolutely beautiful!! I feel like I was there myself. you're a true artist.

Stewarts said...

I'm so glad you took your camera this time! You took amazing pictures. I love this post. Thanks for sharing your special moments with us.

Liz said...

You did such an amazing job with the pictures. I love the post. I do agree with Lori that you have such an amazing way of communication and expressing yourself. I think you are such an amazing woman and a great mom. I love your sweet family and think you guys are the best..your girls and Mitch are always so darling with Hailey. Thanks for being so amazing!

Allison said...

Hey, I made a comment yesterday, but it did not show up. Perhaps you deleted it because I asked for picture #2 (with the thistle in the changing light) to be blown up, mounted and signed by YOU in a slick gold pen and then framed for my birthday! Yes, I love it! You are an artist of the finest degree and I wish I was there to drive up with you to where the pavement meets the earth and watch the changing of the light together. (But could we make it sunset instead of sunrise, because I am really not a morning person)

The Gallagher Family said...

Stacey your blog is wonderful. I am still learning how to do mine. You did a wonderful job in the rememberance of your mom.