Monday, October 6, 2008

My Mother's Hands

When I think about my mother,
I can't help but think of her hands.
She had strong, dutiful hands.
They never tired.
They were relentless, efficient, beautiful.
Simply adorned,
with one gold ring:
her wedding band.

Her hands define her.
The work of her hands qualify her.
Their power illuminate her.
Their legacy expanded beyond
the confines of her home.

Firm hands
taught me swiftly.
Lessons clearly learned.

Tender hands
gently stroke the hair
from my eyes.

Stiff pinpricked fingers toil
to finish my quilt by hand when
the machine broke
to meet the deadline-- Christmas.

exuberant hands reach out,
fingers spread wide,
anticipating a child who is running to greet her.

White hot scalding water
reddens deadened hands
as they wash Christmas china.

Lotion laden hands
rub our feet.
Everyone of us.

Her tense hands cup her mouth,
propelling her voice to my ear,
"Go Stacy, get that ball."

Supportive hands lift a child's head
to place a pillow
for comfort.

Paint smeared hands work
next to mine, in my house
on her time, more than once.

Happy hands,
grabbing, patting, touching, soothing
arms, backs, faces, hands.

Gentle hands.
caressing, massaging, comforting, clasping,
until they were put to rest

Resurrected playful hands tickle her nurse,
hold my hand, tease my dad.
An answer to my prayer.
My miracle.

When I think of my mom,
I can't help but think of her hands.

"When our eyes see our hands doing the work of our hearts, the circle of creation is completed inside us, the doors of our souls fly open and love steps forth to heal everything in sight."

Michael Bridge


lori said...

this is a beautiful tribute to your sweet mother. i'm so sorry you don't have your mother's hands to hold anymore while you journey through this life.

it's hard being a motherless mother. sometimes life calls for a strong and comforting hand to hold onto, and usually, your mother's hands are exactly what the doctor ordered. it's just not the same without your mom around. there's a big empty, sometimes scary, hole in your heart. how can one live this life without the support of their mother?

i miss my mother's hands too.

stacy, you were blessed to have such a grand lady as your mother. she has taught you well. because of this, your family is blessed beyond measure to have you for their mother.

God bless you and your mother hands.

Stewarts said...

Stacy this is a beautiful tribute. I can feel and see from you the beauty and love your mother passed on to you. What an amazing woman you are. How wonderful it was to be touched by such loving hands. Thinking of you.

nicole said...

Stacy, I am sitting here in tears reading your beautiful words about my Grandma Judy. I miss her so. As I was reading, my Presley girl was holding my left hand with her two tiny chubby hands. She still is - I type one handed these days. Amazing how the cycle of life carries on.

I love your words and your photos. I have always thought of Grandma's hands too. Incredible how much one woman can do with her hands. She has touched, comforted, cleaned, helped, and loved so many of us with those beautiful hands. I hope I can accomplish so much like my beautiful Grandma Judy.

I see so much of Grandma in you, so much good. And I love that you look so much like her, lucky you!

I love you Grandma.

Scott & Adie said...

It's an emotional day for all of us. Last night I asked Scott if it had been one or two years since she passed away. It's been that long of a year without her.

Thank you for your beautiful words. i miss her comforting hands and am trying to carry on her loving legacy with my own.

I love you Judy

Allison said...

You captured Judy perfectly in this beautiful tribute to her. I could picture her doing each of those things, and doing it with style and grace.
Judy, we all miss you! I have a feeling that your hands are busy doing good still!
Your tribute is a motivation to me to make each day count.
Love you!