Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Booty

I am all about simplifying this year, so we simplified Chritmas. What does that mean--less gifts! Sometimes I feel that my children have too many material things. I feel I am teaching them to be collectors of stuff rather than experiences. When I see them tossing one gift to get to the next, I wondered about what I was teaching them about gratitude. So we bought less, and less is more, right?

I found that the kids were grateful for what they got. There were comments about noticing that there weren't as many gifts but, in the end, they were happy. So here is a snap shot of their Christmas winnings, Christmas booty, stash! You'll see the smiles on their faces.

First is Mitch the Man!
He got himself an HP laptop, w/ a 15 inch screen. Oh yeah baby!

Second, Wills and Os!
Lego theme this year. Star Wars lego 360 game from Mitch.
Now that Mitch is a working man, he found the joy of Christmas giving

Lego Castle and Star Wars Ship
Notice Richard is fatiguing. This is after about 3 hours of lego building.
I believe he had as much fun building as the boys had playing

Here the boys are enjoying the castle.

Third, Lils and Ems
Music theme: Lily I pod, Emma I dog, Mitch got them "Wicked" CD

Jewelry theme: Silver and gold necklaces

For Richard and I, the theme was health:

Nutrimill wheat grinder Yes! Come on over and try it! Cindy, I am ready to learn!!
and heart monitor.


Allison said...

I loved getting a glimpse of your Christmas Celebration since we are missing you this year. Sam would have enjoyed to be part of that Lego building crew. He had a police command center himself, complete with bad guys in handcuffs behind bars. Very realistic!

Quarantine Coronacation said...

Let's hope that keeps him out of the joint, the tanker, the klink, the yard, the big house, the slammer. . .