Monday, July 6, 2009

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas.

My friend Brenda is one of those friends that will always be there, no matter what! You know the type, You may not talk for over a year, but when you get together it is like you have never been apart, or the type that that calls you right when you need a call--She is the type and I love her. We planned a getaway to say good bye to my friend who is moving east. Whenever we get together we know we are going to have a great time and without exception it happened again.

Just after we arrive we take off. Let the fun times begin.

The first thing we had to do is head over to Old Navy because when I said, "Okay, we are leaving, get into the car, Owen, being the obedient boy that he is did just what I said but with out his shoes.
we couldn't help but take a picture with all the celebrities.

After Owen chose his flip flops, he liked the fatigue design with the skulls, what little boy wouldn't, we headed out to Las Vegas' best kept secret Kyklos Greek Cafe, a greek restaurant in the food court of the Sunset Mall. It was voted Best Greek restaurant in Las Vegas. It is a family owned shop managed by the three Kyklos brothers, Manny Moe and Jack, wait... I am confused.

Now that is gyro. It was huge I could only eat half.

After a meal that filled us to the gills we went roller skating. It was family night there and we could get a family of four in for $12. What a deal.

Lily did fine:


Lily is my mover, my groover, my dance extraordinaire and it wasn't long before she was out grooving on the dance floor on eight wheels. Emma and Brianna were a little more cautious, but still had a great time.

Brianna and Emma on the floor.

My Sunshine, Will, ooppppsss, I forgot that I am not supposed to call him that in public. He told me the other day, "Mom, remember, you can call me Sunshine here,in the house, but not outside, remember!, because I have to be tough!" so it is just our little secret that I called him Sunshine on my blog. Will and Owen got on their skates determined to do well. Once free skate started, we three went right to the center, timing our crossing of the river of people just right so as not to be knocked down roller derby style. Here are my boys all decked out with their skate gear.
My handsome boys.

Will spent a good 10 min in the circle practicing and then said to me, "all right, I am going out!" meaning he was venturing into the stream of people that circled the rink. There he goes.

Will the Thrill joining the skaters.

Owen, on the other hand, stayed in the circle all night. He was game for the skating, but, needed a lot of practice. He was up one minute, and down on the floor the next, but through out the whole night he had a smile on his face. When ever he would fall, I would say "What do you do when you fall Owen," and he would reply, "Get right back up!" I love that attitude. and he did get back up time. . .

after time

after time

But every time he had a smile on his little sweaty face. It was like 90 degrees in there. He had a ball. He never left the rink floor. For a time he didn't get off the floor saying that he wanted to work on his moves: half splits and such.

Brenda is a dancing queen herself and has always had the moves. She was getting down on the dance floor as well. I'll see if I can download the video on You tube, but for now here is a pic of Bren and the girls.

My Beautiful Friend Brenda

Oh there goes my Sunshine again!

It was right about now that Brenda started to feel a little queezy. The flu had struck. We went home and tucked everyone in. . .and by the next morning Brianna had it. We gathered our belongings and vamoosed out of there, hoping that what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas. I am happy to report that all are in good health once again and we did escape the dreaded camp flu. We are hoping to head out to Vegas again before she ventures East, because we know that whenever we spend time with Auntie Brenda, it is going to be a blast.


Lauren said...

I remember Brenda! She is a hoot! You'll have to tell her that I remember what a fun person she is. If she is moving out East, why don't you join her? We could use your winning smile out here to brighten our stormy weather!

Allison said...

Stace- I love the picture of you skating in your skirt and handbag. Always the accessorizer! When can I partay with you and Brenda?? You two make an ordinary day extraordinary!!

Quarantine Coronacation said...

Ahhh you guys always know what to say to brighten my day!

Allison said...

Love you Stacy! And love Brenda. . .and love Vegas. But I don't love the flu.
I'm just sayin. . .