Friday, August 21, 2009

Plane Portraits

Robby descended upon the roaring group reverently. We hugged, told him we loved him and he was off to be released from serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I knew we wouldn't be able to spend much time with him, but we all wanted to be there. So what to do in LA? I had a few ideas of what we could do and one of them is as follows.

I knew that if we came here:

a big grassy field right at the entrance to LAX

And if we ate here:

In n Out Burger is right across the street.

I knew we would be able to see this:

A picnic under landing planes: pretty awesome.

I knew the kids would like it but what I didn't know is that we would have so much fun doing this:
Plane Portraits--

After I saw that first plane fly over, I knew I needed a picture of my kids and a plane together. We practiced what to do and where to stand a few times before the next plane arrived. The kids scattered across the grassy area and I would yell, "the plane, the plane!" (no I was not imitating tatoo on Fantasy Island) and the kids would scream and run from all directions to get to their spots.
This was our first attempt:

Cute photo but ooppps missed

We continued to work at it. Some of us got there some of the time

Others showed up when they could

Here Lily is racing a plane. Looks like the plane is ahead by a nose.

Bam! the real deal. Notice that in each picture Owen is pretending he is falling
out of the plane in a parachute.

I thought I would try continual focus feature. Here is a series.

So if your at LAX with nothing to do, go to In n Out, Climb some trees

Play some tag,

and take some Plane Portraits. It was a guaranteed good time.


KickButtMommy said...

I have eaten at that exact spot but would never think to do those amazing pictures.

Lauren said...

Incredible! Those planes are right about them...yeah, I just typed the obvious! Seriously, awesome!!!

Cheri' said...

Love the pictures! I called Dave over to look at the UPS one. Now that Robby is back let us know if he is on the BYU volleyball team again. We would love to watch him play. Fun times together!

The Hampton Family said...

these pictures are just "plane" adorable!!! Your kids are so cute!
I love how you can capture their spirit---love them!

Allison said...

That picture of In and Out is making me a little hungry and a little mad. Love the kids and planes. But man am I hungry from some fries, well done!!

Anonymous said...

Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?

Quarantine Coronacation said...


I am glad that you enjoy my blog. I find a great deal of joy in writing it.

I am curious about your request and your interest in me as a writer. I have placed my email address on my blog profile and also have a chat line if you are interested in speaking to me. If you do send me an email please post something in the subject line. I won't open unless i see something specific to me in the subject line.

Thanks again.