Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Christmas Story

It all started last Thursday. The kids were running to the car after school, first William, then Lily then Emma. I could see their lips were moving but since the window was shut I couldn't hear them yet. They were obviously anxious to share something with me. Once the door was opened Emma breathlessly states, "I went to pick up Will, but he was in the office so I ran to the office and he had already gone soooooo, I had to go all the way back to Ms Paddock's room and he wasn't there either. Ho, I'm tired," she takes a breath, "So then I had to go to Dad's classroom to see if he was there, and he was, but when I asked him why he was in the office, he dropped his back pack and ran off and, . . .I CAN'T STAND IT WHEN HE DOES THAT! I always have to carry my back pack and his back pack. . .its so frustrating."

"Wow, you had to traverse the whole school to find him didn't you?"

"Yeah, what's traverse?"

"Go back and forth."

"Oh, yeah, I traversed. I asked him why he was in the principals office and he said he didn't want to tell me and he ran off."

Lily pipes in, "Will you talk to him because he keeps running off and he doesn't listen to us."

"Yes I will talk to him. Do you want to play in the park?" Off they go. Will had already stopped in and made a b-line over to the park, without saying a single thing. I was wondering why he was called into the principals office. Every time he hits his brother, or pushes his sister, which isn't all the time, but it does happen, I ask "Do you know what would happen if you did that in school?"

to which he replies, "I would be sent to the principals office. . ."

And then I add, "Yes, it is serious stuff!" Why did he go to the principals office? Did he haul off and sock a kid? Did he talk back to his teacher?

Later when we got home, I asked him, his response was, "I don't want to tell you, but I didn't get into trouble."

"Is it a surprise?"

"Yes, it is about Christmas." Well come to find out, the local paper was at the school and they wanted to interview first and second graders about what they wanted for Christmas. In particular they were looking for kids who were missing their front teeth--That describes Will perfectly, just add loves to laugh and kiss girls and it would be a definitive description. Needless to say, Will was one of the children chosen. We waited for the day when our Will would be famous. He was excited.
Yesterday, Richard brings the paper home from school and on the front page, we see our Will and his quote "I want lots of legos because my dad is going to help me build with them." Richard is the best lego builder in all of the western hemisphere, seriously, I am not a lego expert by any means, but Will is, and in his eyes, he is the best.

"Hurray for Will!" we all cheer, "Your famous!" To which Will does a little dance, runs around the house and kisses Emma on the cheek.

Fast Forward to today: I decide to check my messages on the home phone, I don't do it often because we have no reminder for our voice mail so there are usually A LOT. One of the messages is from a Wilma, whose soft scratchy voice shakes slightly, it was 9: am Sunday Morning: "Hello, I am calling because I saw in the paper, a little boy by the name of William who wants legos for Christmas. I have a big box of legos that I would just love to give to him. I hope that this is his house, please call me at this number. . ." How sweet is that, I thought. She was so excited to give him this box, and to make his wish come true. . . before I was done listening to all the messages I heard another message from her. She was obviously anxious to talk to him.

I called her right away, I was unable to get a hold of her, but left a grateful message anyway.

Later that afternoon I had Will call her, again, no answer. I asked him to leave a message, when mid message, I overhear her pick up. Her muffled voice is excited and full of enthusiasm as she speaks to Will who shyly answers and says thank you. Once they are through talking I get on and make plans to meet her. I offered to bring her dinner because of her generous spirit, I made soup and felt she would enjoy it. She gratefully accepts.

We arrive and knock on the door and she answers, looks directly at Will, claps her hands and says "I recognize that face." She reaches down and gives him a big hug, then she grabs is face in her hands and says, "I fell in love with that face the moment I saw it." then she looks up and asks us to come in. I introduce each of my children to her and she in turn gives each of them a big hug. The kids gravitate over to her little puppy and this gives me a chance to talk with her for a few moments. I wanted to find out about this lady, I wanted to know what we could do for her. Was she lonely, did she have family near, was she married, Did she have a place to go for Christmas Eve? It seemed that all those things were in the affirmative. I mentioned that I would love to have her over for dinner some time and I would call and make arrangements. She was excited and grateful.

She called Will over and gave him a big bucket of Legos that she kept for just the right little boy. All her grandchildren and great grandchildren were all grown now and so she wanted to give them away, but to whom? Once she saw Will's picture in the paper she knew where her legos were going to go. Will shyly accepted with a big toothless smile.

I gathered the children and prepared them to leave, I gave her a hug and once again expressed my gratitude to her for her thoughtfulness. And then I witnessed her reach down and give Will another big hug as she said, "William, always remember that there are angels all around you, they are always watching you and taking care of you. Do you know that?" Will nodded shyly, And then I saw her vigorously hug each of my other children like they were her own grandchildren. I saw the joy in her face and the smiles on their faces and I felt a wave of emotion at witnessing this angel, this loving surrogate grandmother, love these children like they were her own. And seeing my children accepting her love and giving it back. I couldn't hold back the tears.

It has been a little over a year since their grandmothers have passed on. My children lost both of their grandmothers within 8 weeks time. Both losses were sudden and unexpected. Both women were strong, talented matriarchs and full of love and devotion. Both woman served their families and their grandchildren tirelessly. My children often say, I miss grandma and nana. They are missed.

I grew to understand that this gift that Wilma gave was not just for Will, but for all of us. She was extending a grandmothers warmth, a grandmothers joy, a grandmothers love to my family who are without a grandmother now. She welcomed them with the same enthusiasm that my mother would welcome them. She gave with the same warmth and joy that their Nana would give to them, and she loved them with the same tenderness that they both gave. I know that my mom and Nana are pleased that a grandmother touched my children and loved them since they are not here to do it themselves. Wilma is right, angels are watching and taking care of them, which is what I tell them all the time, I feel knowing this softens the loss for me and for them, as well as I BELIEVE it to be true

How simple it is to love and to reach out. How far reaching it can be. How blessed we are. Now, how can I do the same?


Mom/Grandma Smith said...

Thank you for the beautiful real life Christmas story. It brought tears to my eyes... Angels indeed...
And thank you again for sharing Christmas events with us in CA last year... It was great fun.
Have a wonderful Christmas this year and enjoy each moment as it won't happen again.
We send our love to you, dear Stacy, and to your sweet family... xxoo

Allison said...

I loved your story Stacy! How simple it CAN be to reach out. I have been thinking a lot about the real reason for this whole shopping, decorating, baking month and it is the love of Christ. . .charity. How sweet that this woman's kindness can bring that into focus for us and fulfill a sweet toothless boy's wish to play Legos with his Dad. Have fun boys! Love you

Gail said...

What a lovely story, Stacy. It just goes to show that these angels truly are all around us if only we are have our eyes and ears open to feeling their spirits. We love you guys and hope you have a wonderful Christmas this year. We treasure your friendship.
Love you,

Stewarts said...

Wow, what an awesome Christmas story. I love the human spirit. I think William was the perfect candidate for the article. I have always been a big beliver in everything happening for a reason. Thank you for sharing your touching family story.

kim/ Gramma Stokes said...

Hi Stacy! you are the story teller of the year! Awesome! Saw your sweetie in the paper too, so cute. Miss seein you all the time! I never see you anymore, makes me sad! Have a great Christmas. I am in the computer lab with my students and thought I'd take advantage and write on some blogs as I never seem to have any time.
Love you!

nicole said...

Tender mercies. Our Judy and Evelyn are busy up there looking out for their little ones.

Stacy - you should submit this to the paper that entered his picture. it is a true Christmas story that all would enjoy.

love you,

Candice said...

What a touching story. Adrienne told me the shorter version of the story yesterday and I thought it was so cute. You had not gone to meet the little lady yet so I am glad to hear that everything went well. I was so touched by what she said about angels watching over them. I felt a wave of emotion as well. Its crazy how God brings certain people into our lives. Only if it's for a second there is always meaning behind it. Someone up there must have felt like your kids and you needed a hug and reminder that your being watched over. What a great feeling that must be.

Claire Stowell said...

Great Christmas Story that defines the season. Send your story to the paper right away so everyone can be blessed by the story. Claire and I have also been touched by Angels during this season and it makes life so sweet and exciting. All the best. Rob.

Claire Stowell said...

Wonderful Story. It will be neat to keep a close relationship with her. What a blessing.


Linda said...

What a sweet and touching story. I was getting all choked up reading about little Wilma Angel, how sweet was she? Wow! To take the time to tract Will down so that he could have some special lego's - I love that! I am glad your family got to be a part of that tender mercy...What a great memory to treasure.
Merry Christmas!

nicole said...

Stacy, thank you for sharing this touching story! I agree -send this to the paper, it is a true Christmas story. I am thankful for your angel Wilma, she has touched not only Will and all of you, but all of us!

TheCrowes said...

That is such a beautiful story! (This is Emily Smith :) I found your blog through Kim Stokes and Allison). I can't believe how Mitch is--Boy, I'm getting old! )

Lauren said...

Stacy, that is a such a wonderful story. I was imagining it all in my mind as you described it. I could hear Emma's voice and see Lilly's face and I watched William run off to the park. I love the toothless smiley face. Give all your children a huge hug for me! I miss you Stacy! You always brighten my day and obviously the day of those around you...that older woman is very lucky to have picked William to give legos too!

Wendy Blocker said...

What a beautiful story and you have such a gift for telling it well. It brought tears to my eyes. Merry Christmas to your family!

Cheri' said...

I got a little nervous with Will in the principle's office. I was relieved it was just to take a picture. That story is so beautiful. We love Will's smile also toothless or not!

lori said...

that was the sweetest story ever!