Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wicked Redux

I was dropping my girls off to Claire. Rob and I were going to see WICKED! at the Pantages and Claire wanted to take all five girlies to the planetarium. Yes, she is super mom.

"Where's Claire?" I say to my brother who has illegally parked his car on the side street.
"She is at the box office checking into purchasing tickets for Wicked." Rob is anxious. He wants to get to the theater and get to his seat. Unlike me, he does not like to be late. I, on the other hand, have been known to be late, and quite often. It is recycled joke in our family, the girls are always late and the boys have "The Curse." What is The Curse you ask? My dad has always said that he has the curse and that he has passed it on down to his sons and his grandsons. They have the unfortunate malady of being so good looking, that all woman swoon when they are near--so is the folklore in our family. Whether it is true or not, I don't know. They don't have that affect upon me. Anyway, as I was saying, Rob doesn't like to be late so he was feeling anxious. After dropping my girls off and giving them kisses, I head down the street to catch up with Scott and Adie.
As I approach my family, I see Claire there, telling everyone that you can come two hours before every performance and submit your name in a lottery for two front row tickets to the show for $25. What?
yes $25
say it again. . .
one more time. . .
It is true, everyone in your party can submit their name for two $25 dollar tickets. If you name is pulled from the lottery, You Win!! We decided to take the chance. While standing in line we found out that everyone who signed up for the lottery can buy tickets for $45--down in the mezzanine--decent seats!

We didn't win but Claire was able to get tickets from someone to did win, however, they didn't want them because they wanted to sit next to their friends. So she bought the tickets for the $45 dollar price she would have paid for them at the ticket booth, and she and Avery got to sit on the first row. Yea! Good Karma! If anyone deserves it, it is my good sister, Claire.

Here is a picture of Claire with the girls right after they got their tickets.
We decided to go and get something to eat before the show, so we meandered down the boulevard and found a Subway. We ordered and ate up. Here is Avery chatting about the phases of the moon. I love her expression. She is full of knowledge and energy and we loved hearing her share what she knew.

Here are the girls who waited on us. I was cracking up because I kept asking questions about the sandwiches and the girls were looking at me with an attitude of , "the menu is simple, what about it don't you understand?" Of course then I had to continue to ask questions about the menu and then I even got into job satisfaction. In the end they were smiling. . . however it may have been just to pacify me.

What I love about Claire is she can make the best of any situation. The show was going to start in about an 45 min. We decided that the girls needed a little grooming, neither of us had a brush or a comb. So Claire grabbed a fork and began grooming. I don't think that Avery was very excited about the idea.
But it worked. The girls looked marvelous. Here is Elyse before:

And here she is after: What a beauty, What a little work with a utensil can do for your image.Here we are walking back to the Pantages. See the sign in the background, only it reads "antages."

Here we are in front of the theater. While we were walking back to the theater we met a man who had seen the production 5 times. Yes, I said that right, five times. (two of which he won lottery tickets. Ssee it can be done.) He informed us where to go for the best group shot. We figured he knew what he was talking about.
Here are Claire and Avery showing their first row ticket to the usher. LUCKY Girls!

Here is that guy who took my camera earlier in the day. He's either with us or against us! Boo! Hssssssssss.
The reviews:

Lily says, "Going to see Wicked was awesome because it can be scary with the monkeys and the music was great."

Emma says, "I love the music!!!!"

Love spending time with Claire and the girls. It was a great memory.

1 comment:

Stewarts said...

Love it! Wicked and your post!

I especially liked the use of the fork for hairstyling. That right there would have made my night.

You all looked like you had a fantastic night. What fun memories.