Sunday, June 28, 2009

Looking UP! My O turns 5

Tonight my Oboe got out of the shower and looked at the tag on his underwear and said, "Hey I am five now." I guess it is time for new shorts, as The Big Guy likes to call them because my boy is 5 now and he can't be wearing size 4.

This boy has been a joy from the moment he entered our home. He always has a smile on his face and feels that most things are AWESOME--his favorite word. He has a great deal of confidence and finds a tremendous amount of joy in all things around him.

He is a tender heart. He loves to be cuddled and hugged. He notices little things and comments on them He is known to say he likes the earrings I have on, the curtains in peoples house, a new outfit I might be wearing.

He is a cautious boy. He is nervous about trying new things/ This is comforting to me because I know he will always take precautions. I should be so cautious. On the other hand, Owens imaginary friend, Lil Jacob, is a daredevil and does amazing stunts. I find this interesting.

Owen is a natural athlete. He loves to play basket ball and baseball.

He is a thinker. Often he will draw a conclusion about something and say, "Yea I thinked about it in my head."

Owen wanted to see the movie UP for his birthday at the drive in. We invited our friends The Stewarts to come and share the experience with us.

Pizza for dinner and then chocolate cake with chocolate icing for dessert. Emma made the cake and did a great job. His brother Mitchell helped me decorate the cake.

For his birthday Owen got two Star Wars Lego sets. One ship with Annakin and R2 D2 and the ship has four robot droids. Very cool. He got a paddle game like the ol' Zim Zam I used to play when I was a kid, a new GI Joe and a Nerf dart gun and bubbles from the Stewarts. Of course Owen thinks all his gifts are Awesome.

The Tiki drive in was. . .loud, slightly uncomfortable, distracting and a ball. It is an experience unto itself and well worth it. We will be going again.


Stewarts said...

Happy Birthday to Owen!
Classic pictures! What a cutie! We had a great night with your fam.

Allison said...

That last close up of Owen is hilareous! Love that boy. Happy Birthday O-boe!! Thanks for being your mom's little cuddlebug and bringer of joy!

The Slems said...

We love O's too :) He has the happiest little face. I love when he comes to our house and after dinner he asks me "What's for Zert?"

Lauren said...

A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Owen! I remember the day he was born...little did i know that Gordy would be next...remember when I was supposed to babysit your kids for you so you could rest? What a lousy friend I was!

Quarantine Coronacation said...

Oh yea Lauren. I can't believe that you chose to go into labor. Sheesh! I tell you! Actually it was a great day because I knew you were gonna have your baby and that made me happy.

You have always been a great friend. Miss you.!