Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Years Day 2008 "The Polar Bear Plunge"

My Emma loves COLD. When she was little while sitting in the tub, she would sit under the faucet while cold water ran over her head, she never needs a coat, she loves the snow, snow cones, Popsicles, ice cream, anything that is cold. I call her my little polar bear. In fact this year she got a polar bear webkinz for Christmas from Santa--see even he knows my Emma loves the cold.

I have always heard about Polar Bear Plunges that happen throughout the United States including here in Southern Ca.(For all my friends who live outside of So Ca, I know we can't really call our plunge a polar plunge since our sea water is like tepid bath water to you guys, but humor me here, for Emma's sake) These plunges usually occur on New Years Day and usually benefit some sort of charity. So a few years ago, I told Emma that she should take the plunge because she is a polar bear at heart (with out the grouchy disposition). She was all for it, so for a year we would talk about taking the polar bear plunge together on New Years Day.

On New Years Day 2008 at 12:00 noon, we took the plunge.

There were all kinds of people there of all different ages: Swimmers and observers, participators and supporters, The Crazies and The Sane (Notice the pirate to the far right. He was equipped with a pirate flag, pirate hat, sabre and parrot strapped to his shoulder and to top it off, a speedo. Needless to say, he was mentioned in the OC register article.

A line was drawn in the sand, and we all stood behind the line pawing at the ground like race horses. Finally, the countdown, exactly 12 hours after we welcomed the New Year, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. . .and a mad dash to the Sea:
Notice Emma and I on the left and the Pirate on the far right.
Running because if your gonna do it, you got to do it fast. Why torture yourself with a slow, deliberate descent. Of course this is a matter of personal opinion, but to me it is only logical. It's like a band aid, you gotta just Rip It Off. When your taking the plunge, you gotta just hit the water, dive in and take the pain. The photo on the right was one I found on the website from last years plunge. Emma and I are on the bottom.

Getting closer, running, approaching

Here we are coming out of the sea. I can't tell if that is a smile on my face or a look of pain. Actually, it isn't that bad. on average the water temp is in the 50's. It is definitely an exhilarating way to welcome the New Year.

again, is that a look of joy or pain, pleasure or torture? sometimes there is a fine line.

However, we did feel triumphant!

A thumbs up to the medics to show I am still breathing and all is okay. Shall we do it again?
Why not! Yes we went out again. So it couldn't have been that bad.

A big thank you for Lily who recorded the event. She wasn't up for the swim last year but she is in for it this year and is recruiting her friends. This year we are doubling our swimmers: Lily and Will are joining us for sure. I tried to recruit my brother Rob but he reminded me that he wears his special seal suit in the summer. . .Oh yeah, I forgot. . . That's why we call him baby Robert. Just Kidding Rob (baby!)

So who is in to welcome 2009 with a dip in the sea? Any takers? Here is a link to the web site if your interested call me we'll caravan down together.


Michelle said...

That is awesome... way to start a trend Emma!! I will say that this Polar plunge does look quite different than ours here in Minnesota. The plunges here consist of crazy people jumping into a hole that has been chopped out of the ice. My fear is that there will be at least one heart attack, but it does not seem to happen. Brrrrrrrr! Love ya! Michelle

Unknown said...

Way to go Emma! I just have to say, though, that no part of that looked very fun - at least to me ... even in 50 degree water! Have fun tomorrow, though. I'm looking forward to the 2009 pics!

Allison said...

I think that if you truly loved Emma, you would pack up and move to Minnesota, so that she could be COLD for 8 months out of the year. That is true love. And the other 4, she could be swimming in a lake. The best of all worlds! You polar bear for me, cause you know that I would if I was there (easy to say from here!)

Quarantine Coronacation said...

I know you would Alli, because your a gamer. I can always count on you to join me on a crazy adventure. That's what I love about you.

Thanks for the support guys. Why don't you all come out to CA next Jan 1st and join us. What do you say?

Stewarts said...

That is fantastic! I might have to join you in 2010 seeing as I am reading this at 11:43 am. Not quite enought time to get down to Huntington! Good Luck! What a beautiful first day of 2009! Celebrate and splash in a few waves for me!
Happy New Year-

Lauren said...

I can't WAIT to see the pictures! Adam and I were just talking about the polar bear plunge this morning...some people do this in Lake Michigan, 20 degree water!!! 50 degrees is better, but girl, I know it's still cold! You are such an adventurous mom! Your kids are so lucky.

Stewarts said...

I love the new photo on your header! I can't wait to hear all about it!