Another Favorite Olympic Hopeful
Robert Hill Stowell (AKA)The Big Guy!
What about this man of Steel ladies and gentleman and what a physique. This man can lift his weight and then some. The Big Guy is one of those natural talents who earned his physique digging ditches and doing yard work. But you can't deny that he is a contender. There is nothing this man can't do (except fix plumbing underneath small sinks) Whenever this were to occur Judy, aka "the little lady" would escort the children out of the house where they were out of ear shot of often incendiary language.
Yes this speciman of a man is one of my favorites. The Big Guy has been known to rip verizon phone directories in one mighty tear! He still mows and edges his own lawn, does his own dishes, washes his own clothes and occasionally vacuums the house. He is a winner in my book.
Love you Daddio!
If there was a category for best physique the Big Guy would take home the GOLD!!
What a total stud. That is all I can say. The pictures say the rest! Love you Big Guy!
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