Thursday, July 17, 2008

i Will

I love all things apple/mac. I'm not talking apple dippers and mac and cheese, I'm talking the most innovative technological company out there.  That company has got vision, style, and great design sense: you got the i tunes, the i pod, i life, i photo, i movie, i phone,  all those great i thingys that make sitting at the computer so fun and easy.  You can't help but feel good sitting at an i mac because  you've got a great looking, highly stylized computer at your fingertips,  I don't know, it seems to inspire.  

So Hence the title of this post: iWill.  I love this boy!  This kid has such style and presence for a little guy.  He brings such joy to my life and smiles to my face every day.  What about a boy who is such a little lover he even kisses his fist when he pounds me one! 

For those of you who don't know him, let me break it down for you.  First of all look at his name.  iWill.  That just about sums him up all the way.  Can you do it Will?  "I will,  I can, watch me!  He has great confidence and a good attitude.   Will is not intimidated nor discouraged easily.  He wants to do his best in all that he does.  He was struggling with his numbers this year and so we set a goal for him to learn and he got busy and started making a better effort and ended up mastering his numbers on his report card.   He tried to get up on skis just last week.  A  tough spill and a bunch of water up his nose cooled him off on the idea, but he gave it a good try and I was proud of him.  

iWill has great faith.  His prayers always humble me and make me pause.  Everytime he prays he thanks our Heavenly Father for Jesus and how Jesus saved us and how he helped our Nana and our Grand ma(my mom).  The moment my mom passed away,  I gathered my children around me and told them the news.  I said that we should have a prayer and guess what. . . iWill said, I want to give it.  In his sweet little voice and in his humble way he prayed for our family and thanked Jesus for  helping us and saving us.  He prayed for my mom with such immense faith and strength, we all thanked him in true appreciation for his heart felt prayer.  Just today, Grandpa(my dad) went in for some minor surgery.  iWill was concerned for him and expressed this to me.  I told him that when ever he feels those twinges of concern, he can pray to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Father will listen.  I reminded him that every prayer counts.  I asked him if he wanted to pray and he said yes.  He shared his sweet prayer thanking Heavenly Father for Jesus and asking him to help Grandpa today.  Sweet moment and a great example to me of his  great faith.

iWill is a great worker.  He is determined to do his best and enjoys contributing to the family chores.  iWill's chores are putting away the silverware and dusting the window sills.  He finds a lot of satisfaction in a job well done.  He is very neat in his school work and tries very hard.

iWill is discipline and determined.  He was praised by his teacher this year for withstanding some pressure from friends to breaks some class rule.  He made the right choice and she was very proud of him.  We are too.

iWill has the ability to work through emotional issues.  He will often say, I told my brain . . . and now I feel better.  He seems to understand the power of a positive attitude.  Wow!  I am still working on that one!

iWill has a gentle hand.  He is often being hit or kicked by his younger brother, rarely will he give in to the urge to retaliate.  This takes some major discipline.  He is very sweet to his young friends.  He adores little Jordyn, baby Presley and baby Isaac  little Cannon and Tessa.  

iWill loves to play.  Right now legos and play mobile are his favorite toys.  He is a great friend and has many.  Connor, Owen, Isabelle, Dylan, Manshar, Lukey and Glenn.  Sometimes when he is bored he gets into mischief, but it is so hard to get mad at him because he looks at you with his infectious grin.  Many times when he was younger, I had to turn my head when disciplining him because he had a playful grin thinking everything was soooo funny. 

My Sweet William.  I love you.  Thanks for your great happiness all your love and kisses and your amazing presence.  


Stewarts said...

Where do I start! Have I already told you that I love that you are blogging. Your thoughts always make me smile. What great photos of Will. What a wonderful boy he is. Sweet, loveable, friend, Will.

Allison said...

What great photos of iWill! I love his impish grin and can do attitude as well. He is brave and strong and his character will take him far in life!

Scott & Adie said...

Stacy - seriously - how am I supposed to comment on such wit, such wisdom, such compelling storytelling!! It's a little intimidating to say the least. But what beautiful tributes to your amazing children. I loved the one on Mitchell, on Owen, and on iWill. They are the best and you have captured them so well. Welcome to the blogging world. You do us proud!!

love you,

nicole said...

Stacy this post is so sweet and so is that Will! I loved when you guys came to visit Presley that he sat right next to me checking out all her tiny features and telling me how sweet she is. He then looks up at me and says " Presley has such beautiful ears!" I couldn't agree more Will. I love me some i will!

Rosalee said...

When I saw the second photo of Will, at first glance it looks as if the gold-toned rocks behind him are angelic wings. Take a second look and you'll see it, too! That's an amazing picture.

Brant & Lindsay said...

Hey Heaths! How are you! My mom gave me your blogg address! I love it! Your family is so great! I miss you guys! I absolutely adore those fishing pictures! Looks like you have had a great summer so far! Hope to see you at the reunion! Love you all!
Brant and Lindsay